Sharex screenshot
Sharex screenshot

ShareX also works with URL shorteners like and. File uploaders include Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, Box, Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Storage, MediaFire, Hostr, JIRA, and many others. For text, you can upload to Pastevin, Slexy, GitHub Gist, Teknik, uPaste, Hastebin, and more. For images, you can upload to Imgur, ImageShack, Flickr, Photobucket, Google Photos, Twitter, and more. ShareX supports over 80 destinations for your screen capture images and videos. Take advantage of some of the additional productivity tools that ShareX offers like color picker, screen color picker, image editor, QR code, ruler, image combiner, image splitter, image thumbnailer, video converter, and video thumbnailer. ShareX also offers a variety of productivity tools you can use after you’ve captured a screenshot. ShareX offers scrolling capture, text capture, and auto-capture as well. You also have the option to capture different regions of the screen, including a rectangle, ellipse, or freehand area. With a variety of caption methods, you can record the full screen, active window, active monitor, window menu, or monitor menu. ShareX is a free, open-source screen recording solution that makes it easy to capture anything on your computer screen.

Sharex screenshot